In Realtor-speak this really means we have only 2 opportunities left to hold open houses.
I take a lot of pride in being able to say this. After all, Angel was assistant coaching our son's competitive soccer team. Games were played on the weekend anywhere between Aptos to Palo Alto or Morgan Hill. Our daughter was playing on a Mid-County recreational team. Add to the mix client showings, birthday parties, social events, holidays, and LIFE in general, we often found our calendar was overflowing. There were weekends when I didn't think we could do it all. Something would have to give. Would it be work or family? But in the end as I sit and reflect, we didn't miss one game, our social life didn't end, and we still did A LOT of open houses.
We were fortunate this year to have a steady flow of properties for sale and also a great network of fellow Realtors who will ask personally for us when they are unable to hold their own listings open. There was no shortage of Open House opportunities.
We held Open Houses in the pouring rain when it was so wet the streets were flooding. There were Open Houses where so many people showed up we couldn't keep track. There were also Open Houses on days where no one showed up. There were weekends where we were spread out anywhere between the Los Gatos Mountains all the way to Soquel. We met some wonderful people; we met some not so wonderful people. We had signs break- some could be mended while others were beyond repair. There was no shortage of dull moments. But if I had to sum it all up into one succinct sentence.......
In 2016 we did A LOT of open houses.

Just how many? Take a guess! LIKE our Business Facebook page and COMMENT on this post with your guess. The winner will receive a gift card. The winning gift card will be the same dollar amount as the winning guess.
Aimee Thayer-Garcia is a Real Estate Broker Associate at Bailey Properties. She is a Top-Producing Agent and practices Real Estate full time with her husband, Angel Garcia. Mom of 3. 831-435-9146.
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